Spooky scary skeletons invite you to sink your fangs into all things zine at the 2024 Coin-Operated Press spooktacular HALLOZINE FAIR!
What’s a zine?! A zine is like a wee DIY magazine that you make yourself, and give away, swap, or sell for the cost of printing. Zines are perfect for sharing information, art, writing, and anything you can fit on a piece of paper!
This Halloween we are celebrating all things zine, so dust the cobwebs off your broomsticks and join us at the National Library of Scotland on Saturday the 26th of October from 10:30am to 4:30pm!
Browse and buy zines by a whole bunch of awesome zine-makers in our zine market! Have a go at making your own zines on our crafting table - which will be full of suitably spooky collage materials to get you into the Halloween spirit! Embark on an epic zine quest and win prizes! Book yourself a spot on one of our free creative zine workshops, where you can learn fun new techniques to make your own zines! Trade your zines at our zine swap table!
Halloween costumes are highly encouraged!!
